Our extensive experience in exterior painting and staining in and around Chester County, PA, has taught us that the preparation is the essential to the longevity of exterior coatings.
Our Exterior Painting and Staining Work
Before and After: Exterior Painting & Staining
Our Approach to Exterior Painting and Staining
- All exterior lighting and fixtures including shutters, down spouts and the like will be removed prior to painting or staining.
- Pumpspray with cleaner will be sprayed on all exterior surfaces.
- All exterior landscaping will be protected from washing and paint residue.
- Power-rinse or wash (depending on the material) all surfaces. Following the wash, and prior to the application of any paint or stain, all surfaces will be checked with a moisture meter to determine underlying wood dryness.
- Sand all areas to achieve maximum surface adhesion.
- Cracks will be caulked with terpolymer caulk, all bare wood will be primed with alkyd primer, and high quality finishes will be applied depending on exterior surface.
- Carefully clean up at the conclusion of every work day, protecting the surrounding areas from paint residue and other work-related detritus.